Bio Family constellations represent the synthesis of Bert Hellinger’s family constellations and Dr. R.G Hamer’s 5 biological laws, according to style and method of work popularized by Gabriele Policardo.

Family constellations are a dramatization in group sessions, or in individual sessions with the ‘help of material supports made of plastic, wood, paper or other symbolic objects, through which you can understand how the difficulties experienced within the family impact the:

– Pain of the body in the form of stress, symptoms and illnesses

– Pain of the soul with broken or suspended relationships, difficulties in communication between family members, declared conflicts to the point of bitter discord, unbridgeable loneliness, forced repetition of behaviors, addictions and destinies of others, unreprocessed bereavements, forgotten dead.

– Pain of the spirit with emptiness of meaning and significance and, in more material terms, also as creative, work and professional blocks, including relationship with money, colleagues and clients, the world.

The 5 biological laws are the systematization of the observations of Dr. R.G. Hamer within the paradigm of the Germanic New Medicine, according to which every symptom goes through 5 precise stages that evolve from the cause of the biological conflict to its resolution. This medical paradigm, although modern, awakens a distant memory, as old as the world, of healing understood as an integral process of body, soul and spirit.

The symptom, then, becomes the symbolic language of the soul speaking through the body to redeem the spirit. It invites us to adapt, when it does not even force us, to the changes of life until the last stop, the terminus, the end of life. To remind us of our intimate fragility, essential impermanence and more authentic humanity.