Spiritual Assistant

I disseminate the Tarot as a method of Spiritual Assistance. Spiritual Assistance, or Death Education, is a theoretical and practical knowledge that makes a person aware, autonomous and confident in facing their own and others’ death. It is divided into three branches:
It educates those who are not near the end of life to integral biological, psychological, social and spiritual health. It also promotes the culture of death understood as a passage, freeing it from those taboos that remove it from everyday life, making it invisible, anonymous and unnameable, in order to live an authentic and meaningful life.
She provides assistance and spiritual counselling to change individuals and groups with meditation, exploring the deepest levels of the mind to connect to the Inner Force.
It assists a dying person step by step, including reconciliation with the past before the end.
It offers support and reprocessing of grief in order to avoid pathological situations.